
What is a SkullSTUD

SurgiSTUD™ training models are biofidelic training platforms of real human pathology, better preparing surgeons for the OR. Customized to the specific needs of the surgeon, the models provide a superior training platform at significant cost-savings over cadavers.

Unique Features of a SkullSTUD:

  • SkullSTUD can be added to any of our existing cervical or Occiput to sacrum SpineSTUD models to provide cranial fixation during instrumentation techniques.
  • SkullSTUD can be used independently to practice different techniques for craniotomies, boney resection, MIS techniques via the nasal canal and/or sinuses, as well as mandibular instrumentation.
  • You can also use the models for training craniofacial repair due to a range of different idiopathic pathologies or even trauma.
  • Create a deliberate training platform that is not only customized for your training, but also offers more consistencies than standard cadaveric based training.

Contact us today for more information on SkullSTUD models and how they can meet your educational, development, or research needs.

Medical synthetic training device custom built

A Revolution in Surgical Education


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